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Rachel Gadsden

Visual and Performance Artist

Gadsden is an exciting and unique visual and performance artist with over 20 years experience of creating dynamic work as both solo artist, and collaborator as well as leading a range of national and international participative programs. At the core of her practice are concerns as to how humankind comes to terms with mortality: by unearthing the unseen, making the invisible visible. Part of that process is about being open about impairment, and working to empower others to find a voice with which to challenge stigma.  Ultimately Gadsden’s work is underpinned by themes of fragility and resilience, a shared and positive sense of survival in the face of chronic health conditions, and the politics and mythologies surrounding disability. 

Expressionistic in approach, Gadsden creates vibrant, energetic art through painting, performance, animation and film, always with the overriding objective of presenting a cross-cultural visual language and dialogue to consider the most profound notions of what it is to be human. 


Photo of artist Rachel Gadsden

Rachel's Works

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